I am starting my Fitness Blog ‘Re-Birth’ Resolution early, today, The Day After Christmas 2019. Not waiting for the 1st as Today is Fit For Me to begin my New Online Gym for The RollerSizeR! The journey has been log. Just read the past posts and how overweight this personal trainer got herself to be. This journey has long and even lately I want to stop. But, I can’t because The RollerSizeR works. My issue is ONLINE Social Media is a Monster to contend with and well, I have to find the DAVID in me. Nothing comes easy. But if God has given you a Gift, you have to learn how to unwrap it and get it OUT there for others to play with it and use it. This crazy looking tool, took away all my hip and low back pain after a dislocated hip. It also helped me lose 40 pounds after I put a Nail In My Eye. The RollerSizeR became a better and more useful tool, while I was caring for my Dad in Seattle. It helped me get this BLOG going. It again helped me lose weight after I gained weight from depression losing my Dad to heaven. The RollerSizer has prevented me from any major injuries while I take on an aggressive tennis playing lifestyle (When NOT training in the Club). I am Fitter in my 60’s than I was in my 40’s, because of this Tool. Those that have purchased the RollerSizeR and are using it regularly, are getting FAST results. I am working on my First Newsletter, that should have gone out a year ago, but not enough TIME. That is where this BLOG is going! Finding TIME to GET FIT.
As we approach the New Year, 2020, I get excited as a Fitness Instructor, as I know that everyone will want to ramp up their fitness goals for the coming New Year.  I also know that most will not keep their goals to the end of January. WHY?
Because Fitness and Getting Fit is not easy and it takes TIME. That is why we have a serious obese problem in our country. They say that in 2030 that more than half of our population will be OBESE. How sad, when you think there are more fitness trainers and gyms on every block. Cross Fit is just about in every little town in America. As well, as LA Fitness, Orange Theory, Crunch, Gold’s Gym, Equinox and Planet Fitness to name a few. There are Studios popping up, Bikes, Boxing, Yoga, Pilates, Pump and Grind (Just kidding) and now there is a Stretching Gym. WOW! But they all have one thing in Common. You go to go there! Our new world is in a PHONE. Have you notices all the cocked necks looking down at their phone! My initial are E.T. Exercise Teacher, Elizabeth Trindade and yes, I love that moves. But like ET teaches us, it is all in our hearts. Fitness has to come from the Heart of it and it has to be Easy to get to, because no one has TIME. 
Here is what I think makes getting FIT tough. It takes TIME to get to the gym. Thirty minutes to get there. One hour to do all that you THINK you should do;  Machines, Free Weights (Scary), Classes or jump on a Treadmill that is no different than taking a WALK or RUN. After most folks take a shower or NOT and head home, another 30 minutes or most likely you will be distracted and go to the grocery store.  That is a big chunk of your day and I will not even ask what you bought at the store!
 I have taught fitness classes and been a one to one personal trainer for 30 years. I’v seen the trends, I see crazy stuff done in a gym with a trainer. Even worse those without a trainer. For instance, like having a older person, like my age, stand on a Half Ball and balance while holding weights? Yeh, that is a for sure LIFE MOVE if you live in California during a Earth Quake. We will talk about ‘Life Moves’ later. But what I am seeing is a lot of Waisted and lost TIME trying to search for the Goal to be FIT. 
My job as a personal trainer was to rescue my client with fitness at their homes or at the gym and sometimes I would take them to the park. I was to motivate, create and anticipate their needs to get fit. Help them, lose weight with fun cardio. Tone up using weights, bands, the lasted new Tool. Recover after an injury with a Big Ball, Pillow or the resistance of my hand. It I did not make it fun, they would quit. Clients do not want to think about what to do. They let you dictate the moves. They follow along like watching You Tube. You Tube is So big these days, I do not know how busy I would have been back then. Just saying.  It was lucky that I was a good trainer back than, but NOW I am even better because I have the Magic Get Fit FASTER TOOL. The RollerSizeR. But here is where TIME comes in. 
The RollerSizeR has its own ONLINE CLUB. So you can get it FIT anywhere, anytime, using your PHONE. Which most people now live ON THEIR PHONES. But are they getting FIT using their phone? . ET (Elizabeth Trindade) Says NO! They are most likely hanging their neck down and this is causing low back pain and neck pain too. Forget about the wrinkles in the neck. That is a given. ET, says get FIT on your phone and learn how to not have TEXT Neck, a Flat Ass or even worse LOW Back Pain. 
The Club will offer:
Free Monthly Regime
Free Exercise of The Month
Free FASTER FIT Weekly Newsletter.
Subscription to The DAILY F.A.S.T.E.R. Fit Workouts
30 Minute Spinally Fit Classes $10.00 currently (Limited Attendance of 20)
PERSONAL TRAINING too. 15 Minutes to help one get on track and get to their FIT GOALS. Less time, Less money.  is              Personal Trainers are right now are about $50 up to $100.00 in certain areas of the country. In our Online Club it              is $35.00 and you save time and money using your phone, at home, on the road, in a car or a motel.
WEIGHT TO EAT Meetings and this is The RollerSizeRs way of helping our clients understand how, when, why and what to eat to help them lose weight FASTER and in less TIME.
So, 2020, a year to see things more clear as we become more JET SET and TIME aware that getting FIT does not mean ‘Waisting’ (Spell Check WASTING) TIME.

Making Ab Exercises Easier By Taking Away The NECK!

Grabbing your neck with your hands to do Abs, is like doing NECK UPS! The arms and hands add extra weight to your head and neck, making it harder to do a basic crunch. The arms have weight and so does the head! Especially if you have a BIG EGO! Just kidding!

I see many trainers in the gym, showing their clients to cross their hands across their chest so as to make the crunch easier. Why? Because bringing the hands to the chest takes away the weight of the arms on the neck.  But you still have a Ten to 15 pound HEAD to lift up with your ABS! So the next thing I see is the trainer supporting the client’s neck with THEIR hands. Helping the client bring their head up to do a sit up! Oh? Who is getting the workout here, the client or the trainer? I have seen trainers use a towel but the towel is usually too short to allow the arms to be in alignment with the elbow and it just acts like HANDS. The other way to help the client with getting stronger abs is to have them start sitting up and slowly lean back into a C curve, pulling in on the abs while keeping the hands out straight, out like a zombie. The client rounds down till where they feel the abs start to engage and when they get tired, they sit up or collapse to the floor. That does work! I used this a lot when I was a personal trainer without the RollerSizeR.  Pilates does this with the “Hundreds” using the arms to flap up and down creating core tension. But there is usually a lot of neck involved in this too!

Most of us want to have toned, sexy abs. A waistline that is defined. We want stronger abs and be able to target our abs without straining our back or neck!  Yes? But if you have NO ABS and your Gut is mushy and weak, how are you going to lift your head without straining your neck? Getting out of bed must be tough too? You need a helper! Here is where The ROLLERSIZER® comes into play. It acts like a lightweight portable Ab Roller. It supports the neck and allows the client to use their arms in proper alignment of the elbow bringing the weight of the arms to the core and also using the arms to lift the head. No neck strain. In fact there is a two for one fitness bonus here, you get biceps and a little arm tone too!  Clients that have NO core strength, a bad neck or lower back can now have a little helper and allow them to work on their core strength without that neck strain.

In the Video Below (There are two) One with a client and one I am explaining why the neck should not be involved in crunches.  The client in the first video is able to be on a big ball, balance his torso with his legs and be able to get a great crunch and oblique twist crunch with focus on his Middle Deck. The trainer asks where do you feel it. If your clients says in my gut, that is where it should be. NOT THE NECK.

In the RollerSizeR course, the Instructor or “PRAC” as we call them, breaks the Six Pack or Abs into decks on the Titanic: Upper Deck (Up by the ribs), Middle Deck (Midriff part of the core), Lower Deck (Right at the Belly Button and around) and the lower abs we call the HULL! Toughest place to target and a hot place to work. Please do NOT be sad if you think of the Titanic, just think of feeling like you can Fly now that you know you can target your Abs and Fly Fit! No NECK ABOUT IT!

What is the hardest Ab Exercise to do?

Point Placement #2

I want to know what you think is the toughest Ab Exercise! Is it the “Plank”, Straight Legged Leg Lifts, V ups, Reverse Crunch, come on tell me what you think is tough. Once I get a list, I will add The RollerSizeR® Ab Toner to the exercise to see if it makes the exercise easier, BETTER or even tougher! And I will make a drawing too!

Subscribe To My

The Green Light in life, turns Red.

As you can see from my updates, I have NOT blogged or even written one POST for over two years! Why? Because my life took a huge turn in the summer of 2013 (STOP LIGHT) when I went to “Visit” my Dad in Seattle. Instead of “Sleeping in Seattle”, I got “Stuck” in Seattle. It was not a bad thing, but if you are anxiously running  your business, Strollercize® Academy and The RollerSizeR® Invention, have two kids in NYC and another in Grad School in San Jose, well, this visit was not in MY LIFE plans. My big Selfish ME plans were coming to a STOP. Read on, as hopefully you will understand that a  Red Light in your life does not really mean STOP.

They say writing is good therapy. So, here goes!  If I was telling this story to my therapist in NYC, this session would be about $500.00! Back to “Stuck in Seattle”. I came to visit my Dad in Seattle for a Family Reunion Summer 2013. Dad had 11 kids in his family so, there are 39 of us cousins! Each of us has two to three kids so this party was going to be HUGE! But before we drove to Portland for the event. Dad had a doctor’s visit and wanted me to go!

I hate doctors!  I usually faint the moment I enter the office or before I even go to the office! I have been that way since I was a little girl. But, hey, I had not seen my Dad for a couple of years and I wanted to be strong for him. I pulled myself together and would stay by his side as long as I could stand. Dad drove and we headed downtown to a “Grey’s” Anatomy! Up on the hill, beautiful structure and really beautiful doctors in hot scrubs! No fainting here! Everyone was young, gorgeous and well, eye candy for the old gal! We got to the top floor and Dad started walking into a Plastic Surgeons office!  WHAT? My 87-year-old Dad was going to have Plastic Surgery! Is this what happens when you have an aging Dad, who has a house full of young college students from Asia. Was he that happy as a Host Father. My Dad hosted more parties than being a Father! But, one thing is for sure, he was so happy at the age of 87!  So, why were we at a Plastic Surgeon’s office?  Was my Dad getting a face lift or another kind of lift? Now I felt like fainting! With a deep breath we entered the examining room and waited for the “Plastic Surgeon”! In moments a beautiful, slender, sweet, smart, kind, female doctor came in and said, “Hello Mr. Chaney” how are you doing today?” “Oh, no”, I thought, “they know each other!” This visit was getting creepy! Dad removed his shirt and there is was, the largest, mass of purple flesh on his right shoulder. Dad had let a skin cancer grow to the size of a baseball. I wish I had passed out at this time and carted off by a “Grey’s Anatomy” cutie! But GOD somehow gave me super power and I just sat there and stayed calm, cool and showed no emotion.  “Mr. Chaney we need to have this surgery this week”. Dad said, “Well, can we do it after our Family Reunion?” She understood and made arrangements for the surgery for the following week. My Dad, leaned forward from the examination table and looked at me with his big blue eyes and said, “DO NOT TELL ANYONE!  I looked at my Dad as if this tumor had already taken his mind. Not tell my sisters? Really? But, I promised. It was than, I knew, MY LIFE, MY DREAMS, MY WAY,  was going to STOP. I was waiting to hear from Shark Tank after submitting my five-minute video (See below). They did not call back, WHY? Because The RollerSizeR was now going to take a longer wait at the STOP Sign of life. The RollerSizeR, Strollercize and living in Florida were going to take a back seat, let’s just say the TRUNK. This RED light was going to be a long one!

Taking care of a parent in their last months, days and weeks of life is NOT easy. It is physical and mental. During those months, I had very little sleep and since the house was “Booked” with all of his “Students” I slept on a blowup in the livingroom.  At night I had to keep him safe, no bed sores and be at his beck and call. I had to keep my upper body strong to lift him. I had to use a strap to pull him up to get in and out of the wheel chair. I used The RollerSizeR a lot those days too. Dad used it to prop his head up in bed and we also used it to help him sit up! I found so many more uses for The RollerSizeR during that time. I learned more about being a personal trainer than all my 28 years of being a One To One Fitness Guru in NYC. The lessons I learned made me a better trainer!

Dad wanted to pass away at home. That meant No falling, No germs and hopefully as little pain as possible. It also meant taking care of his “House Tenants”. I was cleaning, cooking and handling everything. Dad also knew, deep inside, I had STOPPED my life. Dad told me as time was coming to an end,  you better get that RollerSizeR® going! Your Strollercize Moms and Trainers need you! Get Frank out here.  He will like Seattle. (Frank is my long time boyfriend)!

My Father passed peacefully in my arms, at home, no drugs, just a lot of prayer, peace and Faith. In his last breath, my Dad un-wind like his Grandfather clock. He was transported to a place. I actually felt his spirit leave. He chose to go right at our Wine Hour. 6:35pm. With a toast, my sister and I prepared his body to lay in state at his home, exactly where he wanted to be before he went to Heaven.  I placed the RollerSizeR under his chin, to keep the chin up. Brought the bed blanket up close to his chin so no one would see it, (just the angels). He looked so handsome. I straightened his shirt, placed his hands, feet straight and my sister combed his hair. He was surrounded by lilacs. The next day Dad and The RollerSizeR were taken from the home to be buried in Tahoma National Cemetery, WWll vet.

The Light Turned Green……

When the Butt Talks and Shapes Up with The RollerSizeR®

Video at the “Bottom” of the blog post.

It seems these days, it’s all about the BUTT.  Back in my day, women, girls were told to be sort of afraid of having a BUTT. Especially if you have two cheeks that stick out and are shapely and full. We were taught to keep our tushes tucked and glide across the floor in a pencil skirt.  Swinging those buns? NOT that kind of girl!

Well, they were wrong, get ready to flaunt the derriere.  Kim’s’, Nikki’s and The Jennifer’s out there are not afraid to flaunt, stick it out and wear that derriere with full throttle glory.

But what if the butt is spreading to territories outside of the realm of shapely? What if the butt has flattened to a flat pancake or even worse, disappeared. What if your gluts have gone to the gutter and you can’t dig them out. What if you grab your Ass and your hands get lost in a fleshy mesh of loose skin? Should I go on? What if you actually have no muscle in your Butt. Your back will for sure start hurting!  Sitting on a chair all day you are like an Ass Press.

It is time to grab that Butt that may be the size of a Pasta Bowl, take it, hold it and wrap your hands around each cheek and have a Talk! Time to Butt Talk and Tone and communicate to your tush that you and Marilyn Monroe have something in common. Buttdorableness. Are you excited.

In this video, I am using the RollerSizeR Toner. I put it under my knees so my hamstrings get a grip of it. I would start with 25 pulses and work up to 50. Need a RollerSizeR, get yours HERE and it comes with a 15 minute online training with Lizzie Fit and team.